In this project, I want to talk to you about my inspiration project of this year and what has driven me to it.

Nature always excited me, I love drawing trees, leaves, flowers, bugs…

When my teachers set the topic of winter, I hadn´t do doubts about looking for something about environment.

I thougt about the type of nature that survives to low temperatures, and I remembered: lichen.


The lichens grow up in wet places and they cover the rocks or the tree trunks.

Moss also is a plant that will take part in my project, now I´m going to tell you how I want to represent it.

I´m going to embroider the garments by means of two techniques named «Knot point» and «Relief point». In the next post I´ll explain what type of embroidery I can do and how I have learned them.

Through them I´ll be able to simulate moss and leaves that will appear as real. In the next picture I show you one of the proofs that I´ve made.


By now, I still haven´t any final outfit, but the treatment of the fabric will be something important.

I´m going to make the lichen with silicone.

I´ll use «alginato» to make the shapes with real lichens, so I can have its exact shape, then I´ll add colour. They´ll be stitched to the garments.

he animals that survive in snow are covered by hair, but they also have parts of their bodies without it in order to cool down.

In my garments, I wink an eye to these parts without hair, leaving holes in my clothes.

Another technique I´d like to apply is the cracked in clothes, simulating the tree trunks texture, right now I show you the effect. Such as this picture:


I´m very excited about this project, wishing to have it finished and show it to you.


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